Wednesday, December 11, 2013

34 Ford

 As mighty engines roar, turbo charged for more, drive four to the floor!

34 Ford

Name: 34 Ford
Debut Series: Hi-Rakers
Produced Year: 1980/2004/2012
Designed: Larry Wood

The story behind: For this particular hot wheel there are 2 models with the same name, albeit different look, the first one released in 1980 (which will be reviewing here) it has a coupe body type. The second one released in 2004 was designed to be a delivery vehicle. About the real model life car, it included a flat grille with a wider surround and fewer bars, the idea was to make it look more like a hot rod. Also the V8 output was changed giving it an increase 85hp.

The looks: This baby screams classy, everything about it looks great and I just love it from the first minute I saw it! It is a very classical car compare to my recent reviews and yet still, its fashion and style retains this model as mighty engines roar, turbo charged for more, drive four to the floor! Its hot rod looks make it very sporty (yes even for 1934). It is a solid piece of made up mostly of metal. I bet my 2 dollar bill that in the future it might gain some real collector item value. 

Rating: *****
Its a kinda of magic 

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